Open Book- April 22, 2025 1pm-3pm Board of Review- May 12, 2025 5pm-7pm
Welcome to Town of Decatur
The Town of Decatur is pleased to offer this website. The minutes, financial reports, and agendas are now available online, minutes and agendas are found by looking under either Town Board or Planning Commission on the top menu. Financial Reports are found on the left menu. Monthly Treasurer's Reports, Monthly bills lists, budgets, and other financial information are found there. We will continue to work on the site, and would welcome your input as to what you would like to see on the site. This website is for your benefit so please contact us with your ideas, and to let us know how things are working and if you have any ideas of things you would use that are not on the site.
Often there is wood from trees that are cut next to the road for awhile. If you see some wood that you would be interested in having, please contact the Town Chairperson or one of the Board members to see if it is available for you. The wood is first the property of the land owner, however if they do not want it it may be available for others who may want it. Please call to see if the landowner wants it or if it has already been designated for someone.
It is our intention for the website to be of a service to you and to help you know what is going on in the Town Government so that you be a part of that. We also hope that this site will be a source of information and forms to help you access things better.